Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Thanks to John Davies for spotting this Guardian piece from last week.

Confirmation of what we long suspected...working at Greenbelt is excellent preparation for months of captivity in hostile conditions...

Gruelling as four months in captivity must have been for the recently released
peace activist Norman Kember, and delighted as we are that it is over, it seems
that if he managed to survive the ordeal more or less unscathed, he can thank -
at least in part - some particularly rigorous physical and mental preparation.
Barely two months before the 74-year-old medical physics professor left for his
heroic mission to Iraq, we learn from the Church Times, he was attending the
Christian community's annual Greenbelt Festival on Cheltenham racecourse -
where, according to Sue Claydon of the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship, "he walked
around the site dressed as a tree, getting people to stick things on him".

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