Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Late setting off

After a manic day in the office and the client coming over and getting unduly excited about the new toy I’ve developed for him, colleague and I need to finally get together and finish the preparation for the training course we’re running in Newcastle for the next two days.

Lot’s of manic work and printing out of worksheets later, we finally get away, much later than intended and we head north via Manchester so I can dump the car (I'd suggested the train, but in the end colleague has decided to drive.

It becomes clear that we’re not going to get to Newcastle in time to eat, so we break the journey at a Ramada Jarvis and order a decidedly under-whelming meal which we eat whilst we work, pulling together who will present what for the first day at least.

We reach our hotel in Newcastle at 11.30pm, have a quick drink in the bar to unwind and then head to our respective rooms.

I just manage to stay awake long enough to sort out some final bits for tomorrow before I fall fast asleep.

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