Saturday, July 08, 2006

Time Flies

I don't know where today went.

Some emails, a bit of reading, a bit of tidying and suddenly it's 5pm and I still haven't done the one job I really had to do - buy some fish. Ah well a whole hour should be sufficient to nip to the shops, tidy the house, prep the food, get the main course in the oven, get the DVD cued up...errr...

Needless to say all the tasks don't quite fit in the available time. Happily P&S are cool with the phone call at 5.45pm suggesting a slightly later start time. Or as S puts it "I'm sure P will be fine with that, he's just got in the bath". As ever it seems we're in synch.

P regularly cooks wonderful fayre for us and so I feel like I owe them a decent spread in return once in a while. In a nod to the 70's we start with Melon boats, served with fresh raspberries and a summer fruit coulis. Next is a swordfish, green bean, butternut squash, chick pea, apricot, honey and almond tagine served on a bed of cous cous and finally a fresh fruit brulee wih a caramilised crust (oh for a blow torch, but the grill does ok).

We fit in two episodes of Doctor Who and catch the end of the World Cup third place play-off. Only one episode of the good Doctor left, scheduled for tomorrow, so in the meantime, if you know how it ends, I don't want to know.


The Harbour of Ourselves said...

swordfish, Dr Who AND cannon balls from the germans

God what a saturday night!

see ya monday

sally said...

You did all that in just over an hour???? And you didn't mention a leisurely chat with me between starters and main course in which you made me feel you had all the time in the world and were pleased to hear from're a star!!!!

Rob (the ergonomist). said...


Aren't we getting all heirs and graces? Fruit sauce is fruit sauce ... especially when it's made from mixed fruit jam.

I'm sure it was lovely.

Anonymous said...

Wow - I feel hungry!!!

Sounds like a wonderful evening!