Thursday, July 06, 2006

Blog Links

It's been long overdue, but I have at last updated my Blog links that can be found in the sidebar to the right.

It's a fairly random list of Blogs written by people I know, no doubt incomplete. It should however hopefully be a bit more up to date than it was, with links removed to blogs that haven't been updated since Queen Victoria was on the throne (or updated so infrequently as to make it seem that way) and links added to some newer bloggers.

At least ten of you, should be interested in the last one added...

Also long overdue is a link to this blog post by the lovely Stuart.

He's currently starting out on his dissertation on 'Church in the Future' and is asking for people's thoughts on the following:

"We see many different expressions of church popping up in different places, each one attempting to connect with the culture in which it exists. I don’t wish to investigate which is the best model because in many ways I think that perhaps it is very much horses for courses.

"However, what I do want to investigate is this, what is it about church that we need to incorporate into whichever model we choose. What is it about church that can’t be left behind?"
He's asked me to encourage anyone with thoughts on this over to his site to have the conversation.

I can offer no particular reason as to why we should help him with his homework in this way, other than a) he's a lovely, wonderful person who deserves all good things and b) no doubt I'll end up proof-reading self-same dissertation so if it could be made as interesting as possible through the gathering of your wise and diverse thoughts on the subject, that would obviously be nice for me as well.

If nothing else you can comment on Dave Walker's cartoon about how to make a church brilliant:

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