I did the test and clicked 'show details' on the results page and apparently:
Your IQ score is 142!
Your mind's strengths allow you to think ahead of the game -- to imagine or anticipate what should happen next in just about any situation. Because you're equally skilled in the numerical and verbal universes of the brain, you can draw from multiple sources of information to come up with new ideas and this makes you a Visionary Philosopher.
You also have a knack for matching and anticipating patterns in all sorts of situations, a talent that adds to your visionary philosopher mind.
Not sure that sounds terribly like me...
Caroline also links to another site, which tells you more. Like typical occupations:
140 - Top Civil Servants; Professors and Research Scientists.See! I knew I was too clever to be an Eng1neer!
130 - Physicians and Surgeons; Lawyers; Eng1neers (Civil and Mechanical)
Not sure I prefer any of the 140 alternatives though; civil servant? No thanks.
Still as crappy internet tests go it does prove one thing. Sally, Caroline and I are, in the words of the latter site, "Very Superior".
I've always thought as much...
Good scores all round though. They couldn't just be trying to flatter us into parting with money could they? No surely not. Maybe the greatest testament to our intelligence is that none of us signed up.
Still, 142 ain't bad eh?
I still can't balance on the unicycle for more than 20 seconds though...
20 seconds? 20 seconds?!! i'm on 9 secs....
ah well. i bow down at your feet, or your unicycle wheel so long as you don't run me over...)
(amd promptly fall out of my w/c)
I am just under 20 seconds - 19.? I tried looking at top scores once to get an idea of whether people do it for hours at a time or not. But it wouldn't show.
11.5 seconds. But what do you expect from someone with an "IQ" of only 131?
I'm a visionary philosopher too, but only 135 IQ. It takes me all the way back to the 11-plus, that does...
can't even bloody balance on one!
but what do you expect from someone with an IQ of 135!
I suppose surgeon it has to be - tree surgeon that is!
I got 132 or 136 - I can't remember which.
And no, I can't do the unicycle either. I got up to 14 seconds once.
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