Saturday, September 22, 2007


Back from the garage, ImC comes across for a visit and we head to the cinema (or Precinct 12 as he’s dubbed my local embattled multiplex) to see Atonement.

The Ian McEwan novel on which it’s based, is one of my favourite books and the positive reviews I’ve seen suggest that it’s been successfully adaptated to film media.

I’m not disappointed, it’s a beautiful film that captures the power and the passions of the original novel. Even with its need to shorten and edit the full story to a watchable length, it still manages to capture the complexity of the nature of relationships that leads to the fateful decision made by the young Briony and the outworking of the onward consequences.

Pretty good acting all round (yes even from Keira), if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend you rectify that.


Sarah said...

I also love the book. I wasn't sure during the first bit of the film - it felt a bit slow. But I was very impressed with the rest of the film - my sister and I cried all the way through the last twenty minutes or so...

steve said...

'yes even from Keira'

how very dare you!