Tuesday, June 13, 2006


In theory it should work well, I have a project review to do over at my old office at 3pm and then one of the bosses wants to catch up with me. All in all I should get away at a reasonable time and with an easier commute home from that office I should be home in plenty of time for the 7.30pm GB conference call.

Except of course, the boss gets tied up in a meeting and by the time we’ve finished catching up it’s 7.15pm.

So I stop at the Lymm service station and call in from my mobile.

A delightful spot, recovery vehicles dropping off their charges who wait for the next relay, Highway Agency vehicles congregating, rats scampering around the overflowing bins.

Two hours later we’re done and I finally head home. Another long day.


sally said...

You poor thing. Laura just lvoes those conference calls too!!!!!!! I understand she left the call after an hour and a half saying Mec had got her tea ready. Bless!May I suggest more frequent calls but shorter????

Kathryn said...

Oh Liz
I suppose all I can do is say, yet again, how much the GBgoing public values all that you do...truly.
And send you a hug ((Liz))