Friday, January 14, 2005

London Calling

I wasn’t feeling at all well this afternoon when I made it to Piccadilly to get the train south to London. If I hadn’t pre-ordered the train tickets I probably wouldn’t have bothered.

I’m finding it hard to feel fired up about Greenbelt or anything much right now and whilst I hope tonight’s brainstorming evening will re-ignite my enthusiasm, I trudge up the stairs from Moorgate tube with little energy.

Even before I make it to All Hallows though, I’m hailed by Esther and we walk along London Wall together catching up. Already my step starts to lighten.

Inside are more faces, many familiar. I find myself delighted to see person after person. Several, due mainly to this blog I guess, know that things with me ain’t so great right now. Their hugs and warm words mean so much. Once in a while you need someone to just walk up to you and say “you’re wonderful and he’s a c**t” without any care or regard for any details that might lend that statement of support somewhat less than true.

Sometimes when your self-esteem has taken a kicking you need that vote of completely biased confidence.

In the same way, this meeting every year somehow manages to get to me and wake up my heart for the festival. This year I didn’t think it possibly could. In fact when Nicky asked me if I’d act as scribe for the Site/Site Vibing stuff I jumped at the chance to duck out of the ideas stuff. What would I have to offer feeling like this?

Somewhere down the line though, the festival gets to me again. Suddenly the dreams coming from people’s lips are things I want to see put into action. Things I might even be prepared to move heaven and earth to see happen.

Never mind baguettes and bagels, I now want the whole site set out like a tree, with tethered hot-air balloon rides to provide punters with an aerial view of all the avenues and pathways, roadways and fire-breaks, venues and campsite that make up the myriad branches.

That wouldn’t be too hard to achieve would it?

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