After a week of work meetings it's a relief to make it to the weekend...even if ironically my Saturday is to be taken up by a Greenbelt Venue Management team meeting. Definitely more pleasant than the work variety however, and the team seem to be forming well and have good plans for the future.
There's a lot to be done however and it's great that I'm now joined in 'line managing' the team by G, that time bandit of yore, coaxed out of Greenbelt retirement to join us FOMs.
Over the years G and I have worked together a fair bit, but rarely found time for proper get to know each other type catch-ups (a situation possible related to the fact that in rare moments of downtime, he inexplicable seems to delight in running around having people smash items on his seemingly indestructible head). Accordingly, it's an utter delight that he managed to make it up to manchester last night in time for a lovely evening at the Dog Collar and Rabbit Corpse house where K seems to be responding well to Chinese cookery lessons from her neighbour C (mmmmmm salt and pepper chicken...).
An extension to a second night away was granted by G's lovely spouse T, on the basis of risk of snow making travelling unwise. Strictly speaking the forecasts weren't particularly predicting arctic conditions, but one never can be too careful (thanks T!)...
A fine evening in the Punjab (amusingly with drunken 'entertainment' spilling in from the streets at one point), good food, even better company.
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