Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tat, rain, mince pies and mezze

P&S arrive on the train mid-morning and after a cup of coffee at mine, we head out to drop off their Godson's present and then try and find a cafe for lunch in the infamously illusive Uppermill.

Thanks to the sat nav, Uppermill is less illusive than at times, but parking spaces are in short supply and as a consequence we end up in a garden centre on the outskirts, sheltering from the rain.

The cafe is surprisingly good, but pretty much all of the inside garden merchandise has been packed away to make way for Christmas tat as far as the eye can see.

It's a wonder of glitz and fibre optics and we while away a good hour sniggering at the utter wonder of it all.

Our favourite sign makes the mind boggle, until you can locate the item it refers to a little distance away.

Still quite disturbing mind...

That said, we all seem to come away with something. In my case a set of blue and white lights with a controller that allows a wide selection of operation, from annoying flashing, to more tasteful fades and some red and green stars. Even so I have to double take at the till point when at first I'm convinced they've under charged me, whereas it really is 'just that cheap'.

With the rain letting off a little, we push on with our planned walk around Dovestone reservoir.

Are we mad?

Quite probably, but in true style we're no the only mad Brits out in the inclement conditions. Still some views really only work in the damp.

Having battled our way around the reservoir, we call in on the wonderful A (a friend of S's who I've heard so much about, but never met). She provides tea and mince pies and it's so good to finally meet her - the sort of Septuagenarian that makes you feel awed.

Finally we head back to Manchester, pick up T and then enjoy a fine Mezze of Middle Eastern goodies at the Aladdin.

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