Monday, May 14, 2007

Management Monday

After a morning in the office, I'm on the train south for another Greenbelt Mgmt Grp meeting, preceded by what is fast becoming a tradition: the 5 o'clock drinking club.

Not just one Jude but two, a Paul, a Steve and an evil Harv.


Bonus of bonuses, after a productive meeting, there's even 20 minutes spare for me catch a post meeting drink with the rest of the crowd before getting that late train home to Manchester.

A deliberate choice to leave the laptop at home, meant that the work undertaken on the trip down and back was for once limited to the small amount of paperwork I took with me. This ploy achieved the desired result and gentle snoozing as the world rushed by helped me catch up on energy levels after a busy few days.


The Harbour of Ourselves said...

and very fine it twas to be part of such a distinguished group of drinkers!!!

1 i z said...

Typo darling, you meant "a distinguished group of thinkers" surely?

The Harbour of Ourselves said...

ah, wise one - once again you are correct, mercy me when will i learn?