Sunday, June 19, 2005

At last...

After yesterday's severe migraine, my head is actually OK today. Well when I say OK, I still have that 'storm alert' feeling in my skull, but it's not crossing over into migraine territory.

It's a beautiful sunny day and after a brunch of bagels with smoked salmon and cream cheese in her garden, S and I head out on a shopping and recyling mission, ahead of a planned barbeque this evening.

Along the way S shells out for a cast iron chiminea (amazing how having access to a car for a shopping trip can help along such decisions!), we stock up on tuna steaks and salad and manage to find plastic bottle recycling but not cardboard facilities.

Come mid-afternoon however, my weather-forecasting head is vindicated and the heavens open. Thunder, lightening and unbelievably quantities of rain.

We use the hours to complete our chores, for me a few hours of Greenbelt work, for S a mad scramble to tidy up the rectory before tomorrow's quinquennial inspection by the diocese (a bit like having to tidy up when your mum comes to stay, but 100 times worse!).

By evening the rain has ceased, but the outside world is decidedly soggy. Suddenly shoving the tuna on the George Foreman grill in my kitchen and enabling P and S to catch up with Dr Who seems like a better plan for the evening.

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