Their tales of woe and please for sympathy would suggest that when they're dispatch up to the wilds of Cumbria for site visits, they spend long days in the freezing cold making the most of the daylight.
More recently, following urging from me to at least get somewhere warm for a break, confessions have started to come out of tea and coffee stops at a certain small farm shop.
The whole truth it appears is starting to out.
Finding myself and a colleague in the area and in need of lunch the other day, we found said farm shop and the full truth was finally revealed.

Not only does it sell fantastic local produce, but the small cafe is rather wonderful and is formed from half of the old stone cow shed. A glass wall lets you look down on the action, or for close-ups a web-cam is handily provided.
Although a close-up from certain angles isn't always what you want when you're eating.

I'll definitely be looking for opportunities to visit Low Sizergh again one day, if not to watch the milking then to get some more of a wonderful local sheep's cheese called Gabriel Blue.
And whilst the truth economics of the the faux-martyrs has now been outed, it's hard to mind when you get to drink tea whilst watching cows milked. Being a nice and forgiving boss, I even purchase some slabs of the rather scrummy looking chocolate tiffin to bring back for the teams. But they've been warned if I catch them with-holding rural idyll experiences from this city kid again there will be repercussions ;-)
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