I'd been looking forward to last night for a while, a long awaited visit from "the one from Bolton, who leads us astray".
Work continues to be manic and my plans for a prompt getaway were thwarted by my boss popping down for a chat. My text to G explaining that I'll not be home until 7.30pm now, receives the wonderful reply "so I won't have to go down the sorry I'm late line then...". So many reasons why we're friends.
A trip to Chinatown is agreed upon and rather than go to the same old 'safe' restuarants we pick one at random (well almost, I have the basic minimum requirment that a place knows how to do proper dim sum).
One banquet and many rounds of vodka later, we end up on a strange Chinese liquer. The maitre d' had attempted to describe it to us and the word rose seemed to feature strongly.
He wasn't kidding. The first impression is that it's a sort of clear whiskey, but as the heat explodes in your throat, your head fills with the most amazing bouquet of roses. Not at all unpleasant. My best way of explaining, would be to say it was a bit like being punched in the throat by an Interflora delivery.
The kind man writes the name down for me and tells me where I can buy bottles - I feel this is an experience I'll be wanting to repeat...
Back home and the Archers is opened and flows freely as we make the most of a night to catch up, which for once isn't overshadowed by the prospect of an early morning deadline.
Quality. We need to do this more often.
Ooh, ooh, ooh - if you're on the look out for a good Chinese restaurant in Manchester, can I heartily recommend Red Chilli.
Best Chinese food this side of China.
Proper northern and Sichuan dishes, unlike the pseudo Canto style you get in most places. And some Taiwanese specialities too.
Oh my mouth is drooling just thinking about them. I may have to come to Manchester specially. Fancy a night out?
Hi Cal,
Well we took your advice and went to Red Chilli on Friday - and mighty fine it was too!
So much more of the menu still to explore so if you do fancy a visit to old Mancunia and a night out... ;-)
PS The word verification for this is Shloymo - who is presumably a close relative of someone we've just booked for Greenbelt...
Yay. (See other comment as well)
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